Saturday, 11 June 2011

June 11, 2011 Summerside, Prince Edward Island.

The longest covered over bridge in the world, apparantly we might see alot of these in Maine. The way they protect their bridges from all the snow. This one was in Hartland which was on our way today.
Just to show you how great their Highways are. You don't even see the oncoming traffic and often the middle is thick with trees. Makes driving alot easier. Imagine travelling like this for hours across the country. Not like NZ.
Crossing over the Federation bridge from New Brunswick to P.E. Island. What an amazing bridge. Can't remember exactly how long it is (will find out)  but think that it is between 16/18 Kms.
This photo is going down the other side. P.E.I in the background. No tolls going onto the island just when you leave. Although we are leaving from a different place by ferry so will have to pay then. Their policy is you don't pay to come onto the island just when you leave wether it's by bridge or ferry.

This is the colour of the soil on the south coast. Its all ready  for planting.

d.This is our B & B we are staying at Summerside P.E.I. Our room is top right hand side. The grounds are surrounded by a grave yard so hope there won't be ghost in our room tonight in this old home. The owner is a chef by trade so he cooked us a lovely chicken, scallop, Shrimp, Mash Potatoes and selection of veg. meal. Started with a salad entre. All so yummy a real home cooked meal which is so good when travelling.we haven't had a good cooked meal since we left Denis and Wanda's. We have got him to cook for us tomorrow as well.

Pete checking for E,s in our room which has an ensuite. Very nice but not as much room to move around as a hotel room. Here for two nights.

We left St. Andre at 9.00am. We thought that it was 8.00am as we didn't realise we had a time change last night when we cross over from Quebec State to New Brunswick and lost an hour. Someone told us at breakfast so  mad panic to get onto the road as our biggest driving day we will have.

We were on the road for 6 1/2 hours doing 312 miles (approx 550 kms). Travelled most of the way on one highway, Candian 2. Very good road. We were going to do a different more scienic route which was 80 kms shorter but about 15 mins longer but going along these routes you are never sure what the roads would be like. As well ,probably only two way and would have on coming traffic. Harder  for Pete to drive. We would have seen more of the countryside and towns. Don't think that the scenery changed all day. Light Green trees everywhere for miles thats all we saw.
A Corolla  over took us today, a bake bean can. Thats what Pete said ,Des not me.

We were close to the American boundry for some time but never crossed it.
The last two days while sitting  in the car  we have had brillant weather no clouds what a waste  but now we are here in  Summerside P.E.I  it looks like could turn cloudy and some showers over the next few days.

Breakfast is served at eight tomorrow morning so will be off after that to explore the North cape and awest  side of the Island.

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